
Russell Marcus - search results

The Lost Women of Early Analytic Philosophy

...there are only one or two women included in the canonical history of twentieth century philosophy—sometimes Stebbing, sometimes Ruth Barcan Marcus, sometimes Simone de Beauvoir—does not mean that there were...

Syllabus Showcase: Infinity, Russell Marcus

...instructor from demonstrating different methods of doing philosophy.  In Infinity, we explore lots of content by traditionally canonical philosophers: Parmenides, Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Galileo, Descartes, and Russell, as well as...

Russell Marcus

Russell Marcus is Associate Professor and Chair of Philosophy at Hamilton College, specializing in philosophy of mathematics and philosophical pedagogy. He is vice president of the American Association of Philosophy...

Marcus and Villanueva Win the 2020 Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching

The American Philosophical Association (APA), the American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT), and the Teaching Philosophy Association (TPA) are pleased to announce that Professor Russell Marcus (Hamilton College) and Eduardo...

APA announces winter 2020 prize winners and the establishment of a new prize

...Teaching: Russell Marcus (Hamilton College) Eduardo Villanueva (Pontifical Catholic University of Peru) Alvin Plantinga Prize The American Philosophical Association is pleased to announce the establishment of a new prize in...


...the work in 2017. His long-form essay, “Reality is Analog: Philosophizing with Stranger Things,” is available in e-book format from Untimely Books. Russell Marcus Russell Marcus is Associate Professor and...


Collaborative Classes and Conferences: A How-To Guide

...method. Since the discussion was managed using Floating Chair, others responded before or instead of me. For example, in response to a question about how to grade student participation, Russell...

The Teaching Hub at the 2019 Eastern Division Meeting of the APA

As you plan your schedule for the 2019 APA Eastern Division meeting, or if you’re still considering whether or not to attend, we hope that you will find some time...

Laboratory for Innovation in Philosophy Teaching

by Russell Marcus This past summer, the philosophy department at Hamilton College hosted a new two-week program for undergraduate students. In developing the program, we had two primary goals: to...